I have another finish. I was on a roll with the Just Nan little pieces. This is Be Scary and it was a cute stitch. I have quite an extensive WIP list. I still want to stitch them all and hope to be able to eventually get them all done. Next up to stitch is a small piece by Lizzie Kate that I have been working on off and off, recently more off than on. I haven't worked on it forever so I decided to set it aside for my Thursday night stitching. As we move into the dark part of the year here bright and cheerful stitching is in order. I will post an update on it soon.
Dorothy has been sadly neglected but I love her and continue to go back to her as my comfort stitch. I seem to find some project, usually huge, that makes me happy when I am stitching it. Don't get me wrong, I love to stitch and I am always happy to put needle and thread to linen but some just speak louder than others. Dorothy is currently that piece for me. She is a reproduction from Scarlett Letter.
This small finish is a Just Nan piece Irises. I actually found the frame for it and now that my friend has received it I can show a picture on the blog. Of course I could not for the life of me get it to be straight in the frame (straight is a perennial problem for me) so I mailed it to her to frame. Pretty lame but best I could do. I love Just Nan.
I did however finish this into a needle roll for her. She has a beautiful bread bowl heirloom that she wants to add smalls to so I wanted to help her with filling it. This was the first addition from me. I have several more I want to do but that would involve me actually getting the stitching done of course.

This is the August birthday needleroll from Victoria Sampler, another of my favorite designers. I did press it and add the ribbon through the drawn sections but failed to take a picture prior to mailing it out.
This small piece was stitched for my friend's son and his new bride as a quick gift. This was a fun, fun stitch and I changed the color to blue as that is her favorite color. I could not find a frame up here (pickings are slim in Alaska unless you want a custom frame and even then not so many do needlework) His mom was willing to find a frame for it. This is also by Lizzie Kate. Totally quick stitch. Something I need every once in a while since my samplers are always huge and years in the making.

One last is the framing of the hummingbirds you have seen in the past that I stitched for my sister. We have very different tastes so I sent it to her to be framed (I paid for the framing) but wanted her to choose what she would like. She was pleased with it and I am glad she liked it. She loves hummingbirds and I will eventually do some more for her.
Sorry for the long delay between posts. These are all from summer for summer birthdays. I will post some pictures next of our Fall trips which took up September and October (which is why you haven't seen any posts from me) I will try to be better about it and thanks for the comments and following along. Hope you find some stitchy time in your day. Marjo