Boy, I know it has been a while since I posted but time was really moving fast around here. Since last we gathered here our small stitching group had a stitching retreat. Plus I am taking classes for some needlework smalls. I am amazed that it is mid March and I have very little to show for it.
I will post later about the retreat. It was a great day. Lots of food, lots of stitching. Wonderful friends. Great day.
Gift stitching |
Mystery Sampler EGA- Thursday night project |
I am making good progress with my rotation. I have made some progress on each of the pieces. Not a whole lot on any of them because I get so little time to stitch but progress is progress. I want to finish each of the pieces but doubt any but the gift will get finished this year. I am excited to be back stitching my rotation though.
I have made a good bit of progress on my Thursday night stitching as well. I have several more rows to go on the current project but it is going smoothly so far.
This is the class I am taking through the ShiningNeedleSociety.It
is being taught by Jackie du Plessis. I love the dark
blue of the fibers, they are double dyed blue silk by The Thread Gatherer. As usual I am behind but will hopefully get finished over the weekend, there is not a lot of stitching. .Just wonderful. If you love taking classes but cannot for whatever reason get to the wonderful venues that are provided I encourage you to sign up with the Shining Needle Society. No fees to join, class fees are set by each individual class project/teacher. Take one or many depending on what you want to do. I have done a few, I learn something new every time and always enjoy it. Many different types of classes are offered. Lots of fun, all completed at home in your bunny slippers.
Rhapsody in Blue |
I have some books to share with you on needlework. I really love reading and while I love a good mystery (see my sidebar for the recent ones) I enjoy reading about about needlework, different techniques, the history whatever. I love it. I have read most of the books in our library about needlework (small library) and am continually building my personal library. I love learning something new about needlework. Ever since I did the small drawn and pulled thread sampler I have wanted to do a larger one. While I have a couple of patterns I thought I would get a book that I found on Amazon. It has some beautiful samplers in it. I will have to gather the materials but it is a definite for future new starts. I will shop for it while I am on my trip to the lower 48 later this year. I have to get something finished before I can start anything else.
one of the samplers I want to stitch |
I bought another book on whitework because I am interested in it in general. This is by the Royal School of Needlework. Smaller in size but looks like it has lots of information packed in it. I will have to give you a report when I finish reading it.
I love learning about stitching and am wanting to learn to do Schwalm work. I have ordered a book about it which I will share with you when it gets here.
The other two books that I got are historical, one on Boston's needlework as it is used in the home. The other is one in series that I had already collected the earlier ones and enjoyed them. And yes, I really do read all these books, not just collect them. I have purchased quite a few lately so it will be a while before I get all caught up on my reading. But on days when I just am too tired to stitch reading about stitching is at least something.
20th Century embroidery techniques |
Boston Needlework |
Off to stitch, I hope you have some stitchy time in your day.